Secured to Total borrowings

Cohorts definition:

  • Post-liberalisation sample:
    • firms incorporated in any of 1992/1993/1994
    • with first year of reporting within three years of incorporation
  • Credit boomers sample:
    • firms incorporated in any of 2000/2001/2002
    • with first year of reporting within three years of incorporation
  • Post 2008 sample:
    • firms incorporated in any of 2008/2009/2010
    • with first year of reporting within three years of incorporation
Variable definition:
  • Secured borrowings:

    Refer to loans made on the security of asset. The classification of borrowing as secured and unsecured is disclosed in the schedules / notes to accounts section of the annual report.

  • Total borrowings:

    Is the sum of borrowings from banks, FIs, government, borrowings syndicated across banks and institutions, debentures and bonds, foreign currency borrowings, loans from promoters, inter corporate loans, deferred credit, interest accrued and due, hire-purchase loans, fixed deposits, commercial papers, borrowings from RBI and other borrowings.

Database used: CMIE ProwessDX

Post liberalisation sample
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Credit boomers sample
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Post 2008 sample
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