Roundtable on Land and access to finance

2nd November, 2017
Seanza hall, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai

The average Indian household holds 77% of its total assets in real estate (Report of the Household Finance Committee (2017)). Anecdotally, land and other fixed assets constitute a significant proportion of secured lending in India. Despite this, India has made little progress in developing a well functioning land market. The land market in India continues to suffer from transfer barriers, poor infrastructure and opaque pricing. Research shows that the land allocation in India is "barely better than random at best, and probably worse than random".

This workshop will bring together experts who have worked in the field on issues relating to land to discuss questions relevant for the development of a well functioning land market for India. The audience includes academics, participants from civil society, real estate lawyers and policy makers who have worked on land related issues before. The papers/ presentations will focus on the elements necessary for setting up a land market to allow people to efficiently use land for accessing finance.

Confirmed participants

Reuben Abraham, IDFC
Kumar Anand, Free A Billion
Kshitij Batra, Meenaz Munshi, IDFC
Anirudh Burman, Devendra Damle, Ajay Shah, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
S Chockalingam, Settlement Commissioner & Director of Land Records, Maharashtra
Shreya Deb, Shalmoli Halder, Omidyar Network India Advisors
Anshuman Jagtap, Partner, Harani & Co.
K P Krishnan, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Barun Mitra, Liberty Institute
Sudeshna Mitra, IIHS
Sudha Narayanan, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Venkatesh Panchapagesan, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Gausia Shaikh, Susan Thomas, Diya Uday, Bhargavi Zaveri, IGIDR Finance Research Group
Ravi Varanasi, NSE


9:20 - 9:30 Opening Remarks
Bhargavi Zaveri
9:30 - 10:15 Setting up the infrastructure for a land market:
A case-study of digitalisation of land records in Maharashtra [presentation]
Diya Uday
Discussant: Devendra Damle
10:15 - 11:00 Collateralisation of land by households in India [presentation]
Sudha Narayanan
Discussant: K P Krishnan
11:00 - 11:45 Title insurance: An alternative to conclusive titling? [presentation]
Anirudh Burman
Discussant: Gausia Shaikh
11:45 - 12:45 Panel discussion: Roadmap for a land market in India
S Chockalingam
Shreya Deb
K P Krishnan
Barun Mitra
Venkatesh Panchapagesan
Ajay Shah, (Moderator)
12:45 - 13:00 Closing Remarks
Susan Thomas
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch